I now understand my Dad!

How did you find out about our course in Building Self-Belief?

I found out about it from Sam from Spear – the way he described it made it sound really interesting and I thought it could benefit me in the future.

What for you was the most memorable bit?

Right at the end we were doing a team exercise and we had to work in a team to get across a minefield grid one step at a time. We all were allocated different roles in the team and at some points blindfolded (to make it more difficult) so it was interesting to see how different people approached the task.  Together we had to work out how to overcome the obstacle as a team.

Did it cause any arguments?

No arguments. We actually did pretty well and got over quickly.  It was fun sharing different ideas about how to get to the other side and feeling frustrated every time we failed and had to go back to square one.

Were there quite a lot of different personalities in the group?

There were a lot of introverts that made the group quite a bit quiet!! There were a couple of extroverts.

What differences did you see?

The extroverts would be ‘yep, lets go we can do this!’ The introverts would be quiet and to the side until someone told them to ‘go on, we’ve got to get this done’.

Had you thought about this before, how you process information differently to other people?

I had thought about it a bit before as I can tell that I was someone who liked to think things through quite a bit. Through the course I got to see the perspectives of others which was quite eye opening and helpful.

What colour order did you come out as?

Green Blue Yellow Red (Introverted feeling) so quite introverted as green and blue are the introverted colours.

And how has knowing that helped you in your life now since completing the course?

Yeah!  It’s helped quite a bit.  My dad is ‘RED’ so the complete opposite to me. Red is my lowest colour. It’s helped me understand him and him understand me better.  We get on a lot better now.  I shared the info with him the colour cards and he was able to identify that he was RED.

So, you feel its helped your relationship with him?

Yeah – definitely.  He understands me better and I understand him better.

Did you do anything on communication styles?

I found out that my body language is quite closed and I talk quietly.  It made me realise that there may be situations where I need to speak up to ensure my voice is heard.


Anything else that you think this course might help you with in the future?

It can definitely help when I get into work and manage different people. It will help me see how people will see things from different perspectives.  I now am able to recognise what ‘colour’ people are when I first meet them.  It helps me understand why someone behaves in a very different way to me – why they make decisions in a different way or communicate differently.

Would you recommend the course to other people?

Definitely!  It’s nice to work out what personality you have and perhaps what your weaknesses are so you can work on them to be the best version of yourself.

The Colour Model – The Colour Works Foundation (tcwfoundation.org.uk)

22 Emotional Intelligence Statistics To Make Your Day (2024) – Soocial


Proud to receive funding from the National Lottery


We are excited to announce that we have received funding from the National Lottery Community Fund to support our Building Self-Belief programme with young people this year.

We will continue to partner with local youth organisations to deliver our Building self-belief programme.  This consists of a series of group workshops and one-to-one coaching developed around our simple colour model of behaviours. We explore the fundamentals of emotional intelligence and cover topics that build confidence and resilience in young people aged 15-25 who are at a vulnerable point in their lives, the transition from adolescent to adulthood. Our workshops are highly interactive and a combination of presentation, discussion and activities. The participants are given the opportunity to complete a questionnaire that produces their own personality profile booklet which is then used throughout the workshops to cover :

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
  • Understanding Others
  • Relationship Skills
  • Decision-Making
  • Communication

This focus on learning skills associated with emotional intelligence enables the young people to recognise their strengths, build stronger relationships as well as learning to ‘respond’ rather than ‘react’. This means they leave our workshops with increased confidence and resilience as well as skills that help them to move on to the next stage in their lives, whether that be accessing further support opportunities, education or employment.

If you have young people that you think would benefit from our programme – please get in touch www.tcwfoundation.org.uk


Building self-belief – my experience

Attendees at Colour Works Foundation Course

Wondering whether the TCWF Building self-belief course is for you? Here’s an interview with a young person describing his experience of our 8 session programme.

We’re currently in the process of setting up a volunteering programme so that young people can support our workshops.  If you have attended one of our programmes in the past and would be interested in volunteering with us we’d love to hear from you.  Please contact Liz via email at liz@tcwfoundation.org.uk